Preprimary Classroom News

Primary Classroom NewsOur returning and new preprimary students are adjusting nicely to the new school year.  Our goal as preprimary teachers is to help our students adjust to their new “Prepared Environment”.  An example of some of the lessons we are giving our students include:  “Grace and Courtesy”, what it looks like to be a “Peaceful student”, respecting other students when they are working, restoring and returning their work to the proper shelf, how to ask the teacher for a lesson, and how to be patient.  Our students usually begin their Montessori experience when they are three years of age and will continue with the same teacher through their Kdg. Year.  Our returning students serve as role-models, they help the younger students when needed, play games with our new students and even give lessons.  That is truly the gift of the multi-age classroom.

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