Primary Level Classroom News

The preprimary classes (children 3 to 6 years old) at Cowles Elementary are busy working on projects centered around Maria Montessori.  The last week in February we will be celebrating “Maria Montessori Week”. Montessori schools in the US as well as International Montessori schools will also be celebrating.  Cowles has several special activities planned for the week.  A school assembly, all school art project and a Journey through Montessori for community leaders will be part of the celebration.  Four of the preprimary classes will ask the students for quotes  about “What is Montessori”.  Two of the other preprimary classes will be making works of art involving the concept of PEACE.  100 years ago when asked what can be done to bring peace among the natIons of the world, Maria answered that “Peace Begins with the Child”.  We truly work daily to instill this concept in the children at our school.

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