Cowles Peace Principles

Welcome back to another great school year at Cowles Montessori.  We are excited to share a new initiative we worked on over the summer and is now in place at Cowles.

The Des Moines Public School District is implementing a system wide program entitled Multi-Tiered System of Support, or MTSS for short.  This initiative is meant to enhance the positive school climate in every building district wide.  What we found out is this fits perfectly into the Montessori Philosophy of Peace Education.  Five Cowles staff members went through MTSS training during the summer and they formed our Tier 1 Team at Cowles.  Those people are Mrs. Wold, Mrs. Keninger, Mrs. Maxwell, Mr. Moody, and Mrs. Lepeltak.

At Cowles Montessori, during the first year of MTSS, we are working from two perspectives: classroom and building-wide.  We have developed a new logo for Cowles that you will notice throughout the building, and as the heading for all communication that you receive.  It displays the three Peace Principles of Cowles—INDEPENDENCE, HARMONY, and STEWARDSHIP.  All of the philosophical tenants of Montessori Education can fit under one of these Peace Principles.

Throughout the building, you will see posters displaying the Peace Principles to follow in the HALLWAY, RESTROOM, LUNCHROOM, and PLAYGROUND.  All Cowles’ students spent the afternoon of Monday, August 31st learning the expectations in each of these areas.  Following these expectations throughout the building will not only support the Peaceful environment we practice here at Cowles, but it will increase the awareness for practicing behaviors that keep our students safe.  Plus the use of the same language, building wide, for all students and staff, makes it easier to maintain the Peace Principles that are vitally important for positive school climate.

In each classroom, the teachers and associates will implement a Peace Process which all students will be following.  Some of you may recognize the terms: “Peace Rose,” “Peace Bench,” De-Bugging Plan,” etc.  These are the Montessori terms the teachers use for their Peace Process.  Each teacher has developed their own Peace Process for their class, and you will be receiving information about that soon.

The idea of tying together both classroom and school wide expectations will help to create a peaceful climate throughout our entire building.  Please take time in the next few weeks to ask your child about the Peace Process in their classroom and throughout the Cowles Montessori Community.


cowles tri logo

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