Picture day is coming up, Upper Elementary News, an activity with the Pink Tower, and more in this week’s Crier! https://www.smore.com/kv2bz
Cowles Montessori School Crier – Week of October 2nd
Important dates, Library News, High School planning for 8th graders, and more can be found in this week’s Crier! https://www.smore.com/svwf0
Cowles Montessori School Crier – Week of September 18th
Photos needed, a Pink Tower, and a Special Thanks are some of the items you can read more about in this week’s Crier! https://www.smore.com/uxnq1
Cowles Montessori School Crier – Week of September 11th
Read about parent meetings coming up, news from Nurse Delury, and about our STEM grant in this week’s Crier! https://www.smore.com/u60gm
Cowles Montessori School Crier – Week of September 5
Helping Houston, Counseling News, and hosting parents for a variety of meetings are included in this week’s Crier. https://www.smore.com/dts6b
Cowles Montessori School Crier – Week of August 28th
Click on the link to read about our Annual Peace Walk and more in our weekly Crier. https://www.smore.com/2ev18
Peace Walk
At Cowles, the only public Montessori school in the state of Iowa, all they are saying is give peace a chance. Okay, that’s not all they are saying, not by a longshot, but peace is a cornerstone of …
Peace Walk Friday, August 24th at 9:00am
Join us on Friday at 9:00 for our Annual Peace Walk!
Cowles Montessori Crier Week of August 21
Breakfast Free For All Students This Year
We’re pleased to tell you every Des Moines Public Schools elementary student will now have access to breakfast at no cost to the students or their families. This expansion means almost every school in the district offers at least one no-cost meal option during the day. Click on the headline to find out more about why DMPS now offers free breakfast to K-5 students!