Cowles Montessori Crier, Week of February 20th
Cowles Families: Click here to view our Cowles Crier:
Cowles Montessori School Crier, Week of February 13th
Click here to view our Cowles Montessori Crier: This week we have information on the upcoming Cowles After Dark fundraiser, Fine Arts Day, Montessori Week, and some scientific inquiry taking place in Mrs. Keninger’s classroom.
Cowles Sweetheart Dance
Cowles Montessori Crier, Week of January 16th
Welcome to our first day of the second semester. Our Crier this week includes a call for help with our morning drop off. Please read through this week’s addition and consider volunteering in this capacity at the building! …
Cowles Montessori Crier, Week of January 3rd
Welcome back from our winter break. It is our hope that everyone was able to enjoy the time away to rest, rejuvenate, and recharge for the second half of the 2016-2017 school year. A new addition for …